Success stories

The stories we hear from families about their Working Together experience are uplifting. This is also true for the feedback we have received from our early learning partners.

Below is a snapshot of some of the success stories we have heard.

Stories from our families

General praise

“Working Together is an awesome program. I wouldn’t even have considered day care otherwise, couldn’t afford it. But Working Together is good, it’s supportive. It’s not just: here you are – go to day care. You get that support, that ongoing support. It’s kind of like a team effort always.”

“I just think educators should get a lot of recognition for how the children are and what they’re becoming because there’s only so much we can do at home as parents, and they’re helping us so much more to help them learn, grow and become the humans that they are now…”

Making friends and socialising

“If it wasn’t for Working Together, I don’t think my child would be at school. They just wouldn’t cope. The anxiety was just so bad before, where now it’s like, “Who’s this child?” To see Omar* be able to go and play with other kids without being scared or anything, it’s so good.”

Growing in confidence and independence

“I think the biggest thing for my child has been that growing independence, and ability to make their own decisions. Where before they would stand next to a child in the playground and we’d initiate the interaction for them, now they will run up to a child in the playground and say “Hi, my name’s Talia”. They’ll initiate things.”

“Their development has increased a lot. They walked straight into the centre the other day and said ‘I’m cold’. They’re vocalising needs now instead of just waiting for them to be met. What’s helped that I think is that they give kids a decision, a say.”

Developing confidence and independence

“It’s been awesome. It’s just how good the staff are with my child, making them comfortable and confident to come. We saw one of her educators in the supermarket last night, and I could just tell she’s got a good bond with them.”

“I couldn’t be more happy than seeing my child develop into someone who’s happy to make friends and isn’t as shy as he used to be. He’s just developed so much. He’s becoming more independent and self-confident as well. Before it used to be: ‘I’m scared mum, I can’t do it.’ Now it’s: ‘I can do it!’”

Benefits for parents and carers

“They’ve come up with goals with me, more than I had myself, and they’ve helped me accomplish those goals. They’ve been amazing. Getting on top of everything, sorting things out in our life with Centrelink and everything. They have more belief in me than I have in myself and have made things a lot easier.”

*Names have been changed to protect the children’s identity

Stories from our early learning partners

“Having support workers and specialist professionals available and their ongoing support makes me feel as if everyone is working towards the best outcomes for all children and it’s not tokenistic.”

“The support and information provided gives educators the confidence and knowledge to step out of their comfort zone.”

“The children and families having access to such a dedicated program and the results we see in children and family relationships is very rewarding.”

“The way educators approach conversations and interactions with families has improved, and the quality of the observations on individual child development ‘benchmarks’.”