Working Together for Service Partners

Working Together is a Tasmanian Government funded initiative that offers free, quality early learning for eligible children in the year before Kindergarten.

Working Together is delivered in partnership with selected Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services across Tasmania.

Referrals are currently open for 2024, with up to 240 places available across the state.

What is the purpose of Working Together?

Our shared purpose is to support confident and creative children to thrive in strong, connected communities.

We work towards achieving this through:

  1. Funding places in quality early learning centres (up to 960 hours per year for each child).
  2. Delivering holistic support to children and families to help them address barriers to participation.
  3. Providing tailored support for children to learn, make friends and build confidence to set themselves up for a great life.
  4. Fostering supportive connections to help parents and carers through the transition from home to early learning and then in to Kindergarten.
  5. Building the capacity of early childhood educators involved, through investment in professional learning and ongoing practice support. This ensures educators can best support the needs of the children and families involved in the program.

What does ‘holistic support’ mean?

As well as free early learning, Working Together provides extra support for children and families.

Examples of holistic support include:

  • connecting families with other support services, e.g. health providers
  • attending appointments with families
  • assisting with transport to get children to the early childhood service
  • linking families with their local primary school
  • identifying areas of interest for parents to develop themselves further, e.g. study or getting a driver licence

The Working Together team works in partnership with families to support them to build on their strengths and achieve their goals.

Who can take part?

To take part in Working Together, children must be:

  • Three years old on or before 1st of January in the year they will take part
  • In their year before Kindergarten
  • Not currently enrolled with an early childhood education and care service (sometimes known as childcare)

And meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Have parents/primary carers who hold a Health Care Card
  • Identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Receive support or interventions from the Child Safety Service
  • Have two or more concerns identified through the Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS)

How do I refer families to take part?

With the parent or carer’s consent, Working Together accepts referrals from any service currently supporting a family. Referrals are made via our online referral form.

Working Together is now accepting new referrals for 2024.

Note that if the Working Together program is oversubscribed, families may be added to a waitlist and contacted if or when spaces become available. Full family engagement will not occur unless a placement is available.

If you have any questions or need extra support with a referral, please contact one of the Working Together Engagement Workers. Our friendly Engagement Workers are available over the phone, by text or email, and are happy to discuss the program further.

Who are the early learning partners in 2023?

There are multiple early learning centres across Tasmania delivering the Working Together program. Find the closest service near you, or contact one of our friendly Engagement Workers for more information.

The benefits for children

Quality early learning supports children’s health and wellbeing now and through their life. Working Together offers safe, fun and child focussed spaces create opportunities for children to:

  • make new friends
  • learn, play and thrive
  • build confidence and independence
  • develop their language and social skills
  • establish routines
  • prepare for school

Early learning leads to improved educational and life outcomes for children. Research has shown that children who engage in quality early learning are less likely to need extra support in school and are more likely to go on to complete Year 12.

The benefits for parents and carers

Working Together is a chance for parents and carers to:

  • Connect with other families and their community
  • Have time for self-care
  • Have time to pursue areas of interest
  • Be supported to set and achieve their goals

When can families start taking part?

Eligible families can start to take part from February 2023.

How can my service get involved?

To find out more information, you can contact the Working Together team through one of the following channels: