English as an Additional Language Support

Find out about the EAL students we support and how they are supported.

Our Commitment

All Tasmanian Government schools welcome students from different cultural and religious backgrounds. We support English as an Additional Language students (EAL) to be resilient, creative and curious thinkers.

About Us

The EAL Service Supports schools and provides resources to help students learn English. We work with schools to:

  • ensure all EAL students can learn
  • create successful links between home and school
  • increase skills and knowledge within the school to help support EAL students.

EAL Service Overview

The EAL Service provides resources to develop English language competence. The resources provided facilitate access, participation and engagement in mainstream educational activities.

EAL students are those whose first language is not English and who need extra support to develop proficiency in Standard Australian English.

EAL learners who may be supported by the EAL Service are students enrolled in DoE schools and colleges who:

  • were born overseas or in Australia into a family where English is not spoken at home
  • have little or no formal schooling in any country
  • have had a severely interrupted education in their first language
  • begin school with limited or no exposure to English.

The EAL Service supports students to achieve the same level of educational success as students whose first language is English. Support to EAL students aims to develop literacy in English by:

  • learning to speak English
  • learning to listen and comprehend spoken English
  • learning to read and write English
  • learning through English at the same time as they learn English
  • learning about the Australian school system
  • learning about the Australian culture in both the school and community contexts.

Support in schools and colleges is provided by:

  • EAL specialist teachers
  • Teacher Assistants
  • Classroom teachers

Interpreters ensure students and their parents/carers receive essential information. Interpreters support dialogue between all those involved in the student’s education and wellbeing.

EAL Support Model – NEW

The Department has implemented a new EAL Support Model. This new model provides resourcing to schools. The EAL Support Model is a needs-based model. EAL support for each student is based on their English skill level.

Further information about the new model is available at: EAL Support Model.

Social Worker roles

EAL has two social workers. They support the complex needs of many of our migrant students and families. They are also a means of bridging any gaps in the current support services.

More Information

For more information: