Field Study Centres

The value of specialist learning facilities

Some types of learning either require, or benefit from, specialist facilities that:

  • provide access to tools, equipment and resources for learning that are not universally available in schools
  • enable interactive, engaged, immersive learning
  • provide specialist expertise to facilitate students’ learning
  • develop educators’ knowledge and understanding.

Access to specialist expertise and unique learning contexts

At each Field Study Centre there are experienced teachers who work in unique environments to provide tailored, engaging and hands-on programs mapped to the Australian Curriculum to inform, reinforce and enrich classroom learning.

Hagley Farm School Visitor Centre:

Molesworth Environment Centre:

  • Specialising in team building activities where students are taught resilience and persistence through problem solving activities.
  • An inquiry and discovery based learning as students participate in a range of hands-on activities about biodiversity, pond and bush environments.
  • Sustainability activities using the principles of reduce, reuse and recycle.
  •  Understanding factors that create the conditions that place Tasmanian animals at risk.
  • To find out more visit the Molesworth Environment Centre website.

Mount Cameron Field Study Centre:

  • owned and operated by Scottsdale High School
  • main function is as an outdoor education facility for students of all ages
  • also an excellent base for groups wishing to explore the north-east of Tasmania
  • provides a self-contained facility in the bush suitable for conducting training workshops.
  • To find out more about Mount Cameron Field Study Centre please contact Scottsdale High School.

Sustainability Learning Centre:

  • offers innovative programs, within a carbon neutral purpose built facility, where learners can explore our dependence and impact on the environment using the inquiry lenses of energy, biodiversity, waste, water and culturally responsive learnings using the cross curriculum priorities of Sustainability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History and Cultures.
  • Invites early years learners to step off the asphalt and engage with the SLC’s beautiful bushland environment to play, explore, research and wonder through outdoor classroom immersion, bush kinder, nature play & loose parts programs.
  • To find out more visit the Sustainability Learning Centre page on this site.

Woodbridge Marine Discovery Centre: