Work and Tasmanian Government Schools – Kindergarten to Year 10 Students

Did you know?

  • Our schools provide every young person with education opportunities to help them achieve their plans for work and life.
  • The Prep to Year 10 school years are compulsory to be enrolled at and attending school, or an approved home education program.
  • Young people are also required to continue participating in education or training following completion of Year 10. For more information, see the fact sheet Work and Tasmanian Government Schools – Senior Secondary Age Students.

Can my Year 10 or younger child undertake paid employment while they are still enrolled in compulsory school?

  • Your child can undertake paid employment outside of school hours. Contact Work SafeTasmania for more information about employment conditions.
  • A child in Year 10 or younger is not able to work for an employer during school hours, unless an Application for Part-time Attendance or Application for Exemption from Attending School is completed and approved in advance.
  • A Year 10 child can undertake an Australian School-based Apprenticeship (see below), a paid, employment-based training arrangement where a student undertakes an apprenticeship while also continuing their compulsory schooling.

Can my Year 10 or younger child leave school to undertake employment?

  • It’s important for students to stay at school until they complete Year 12. From 2020, all Tasmanian students must participate in education and training until they complete Year 12, attain a Certificate III, or they turn 18 years of age (whichever occurs first).
  • A child in Year 10 or younger needs to have an Application for Exemption from Attending School granted in advance of leaving school to undertake employment, including an apprenticeship/traineeship. An Australian School-based Apprenticeship does not require an exemption as the Year 10 student continues to attend school.
  • The Application for Exemption from Attending School includes demonstrating it is in the child’s best interests to be exempt from attending school.

What is an Australian School-based Apprenticeship?

  • An Australian School-based Apprenticeship (ASbA) is a paid, employment-based training arrangement where a student undertakes an apprenticeship/traineeship while also continuing their school/college education.
  • ASbAs are opportunities for students in Year 10, 11 or 12 to combine work, training and education to gain a nationally recognised industry qualification, usually at Certificate II or III level.
  • For more information, see the parent fact sheet Australian School-based Apprenticeships in Tasmanian Government Schools.

How do schools prepare students for future employment?

  • My Education is a whole-school approach to career and life planning, starting in Kindergarten and continuing through to Year 12.
  • Through My Education your child is supported to identify their personal interests, values, strengths, opportunities and aspirations, and how to use this knowledge to make decisions about their future learning, work and life opportunities.
  • In Years 9 and 10, students undertake studies aligned to the Australian Curriculum; Work Studies.
  • In their senior secondary education, Years 11 and 12 students are required to undertake 50 hours of My Education.

What work exposure opportunities are available?

  • Schools offer a variety of work exposure and career taster opportunities to help students develop an understanding of workplaces and the career options available.

Where can I get more information?

  • Your child’s school would welcome the opportunity to talk to you about your child and the kind of work they may be interested in, and how they can support and encourage your child’s aspirations.
  • For information about receiving a Year 10 Transition Statement and the ongoing requirements to participate in education and training, see the fact sheet Year 10 Transition Statements in all Tasmanian Schools.