School Health Nurse Program

School health nurses work collaboratively with the school support and wellbeing teams within primary, secondary and senior secondary schools and with the Tasmanian Health Service.

School health nurses support schools to create a physical and social environment that promotes health and wellbeing, and assists to improve the health and education outcomes for children and young people in Tasmania.

Areas of focus

  • Promotion of good health and wellbeing.
  • Kindergarten, vision and hearing screening
  • Local, state and national health promotion initiatives.
  • Health education aligned with the Australian Curriculum including healthy relationships, addictions and risk behaviours including drug and alcohol, resilience and mental health, body esteem, physical activity and nutrition.
  • Positive parenting for teenagers.
  • Consulting with schools regarding the management of complex medical conditions.
  • Supporting schools to address any medical issues that may be impacting learning.
  • Drop-in clinics for senior secondary students to empower their health choices.

School health nurses can:

  • Support you and your children in a wide range of health topics through regular communication, parent education sessions, student education sessions, health promotion and onward referral.
  • Support our school communities to create an environment that promotes good health and wellbeing and a culture of lifelong learning.
  • Assist both schools and families with complex health needs.
  • Build strong and lasting relationships with students and families and act as the intermediary between education and health.
  • Provide students with impartial, non-judgemental support.
  • Provide advocacy for students and families.

Why is it important?

  • The School Health Nurse Program provides school communities prevention, early detection and health promotion/education.  These together can assist in giving your child the best possible health and educational outcomes.
  • Students and parents are provided consistent education enabling families to support one another.
  • School nurses are provide students health support and education as part of a multi layered approach to addressing increasingly complex issues
  • School Health Nurses provide evidence-based practice to ensure students and families get the most appropriate, relevant and up to date health information.

Where can I get more information?

  • Please feel free to contact your school nurse via your school administration if you have any concerns or questions regarding the health and wellbeing of your child or school community.
  • If you have any questions about the program you can contact Kelley French – Director of Nursing  by email