Getting Involved

Research shows that children do better at school when their parents are involved and engaged in their education.

Being involved and engaged in your child’s education adds to their school experience and sends a clear message that their education is important to you.

There are many ways that you can be involved in your child’s education.

What can you do to be involved?

  • Some parents like to volunteer at the school by participating in classroom activities, in the canteen, assisting with excursions or being an active member of the School Association.
  • For many parents, volunteering in school hours is not an option because of work or having young children at home, but there are still plenty of ways to support and encourage your child’s learning.
  • Taking an active interest in your child’s day is a great way to understand what’s happening at school and how your child is feeling socially and academically.
  • This can be as easy as asking ‘what did you learn at school today?’ or ‘how was your day?’
  • Other ways to get involved may include asking your child to help write the grocery list or add up some numbers, help with directions to the shopping centre or to remember where you parked the car.
  • Involving children in day-to-day tasks and asking them to remember, contribute or make decisions can be a great way to show them how their learning in school will help them complete various tasks in life.
  • Improve your own skills to support your child’s learning.

School Associations

All Government schools in Tasmania are required to have a School Association. The School Association provides parents, staff, students and community members with a way to be involved in the school.

School Associations help schools in a number of ways:

  • Participating in the development of school policies, school improvement plans and the formulation of school objectives, priorities, strategic directions and values
  • Planning the financial arrangements to support these objectives
  • Fostering the value and benefits of education
  • Fostering co-operation among teachers, students, parents and the school community, and
  • Raising of funds for the benefit of the school.
  • When your child starts school, you are automatically a parent member of the School Association.
  • Contact information is available from your school or School Association website.

Tasmanian Association for State School Organisations (TASSO)

  • TASSO is the peak independent body representing all parents of children and young people in Tasmanian Government schools.
  • It publishes brochures on ways you can support your child at school, conducts workshops and provides support for school associations and parents.
  • For further information go to the TASSO website at

Tips for starting conversations with your child

  • Ask about their friends.
  • Ask about their day at school: what was exciting? What did you learn?
  • Read books with them.
  • Talk about activities, crafts or projects happening at school.

Where can you get more information?

  • Talk to your child’s teacher or principal about how you can get involved in your child’s education.
  • Enquire at your child’s school about being an active member of the School Association.
  • Contact TASSO to see how you can get involved and engaged in enhancing your child’s education.