
While at school your child is likely to attend off campus activities (minor and major) such as excursions, cultural performances, school camps and sporting activities.

These are important parts of the learning experiences of all students from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Your child may participate in a wide range of activities in different places.

Where to start

  • Where activities are part of the school program, costs will be included as part of the school levy.
  • Where activities are additional to the educational program (and therefore optional), there may be additional costs but you will be told about these in advance.
  • For more information, contact your school.

For your child

  • Excursions will be well prepared, safe and age appropriate.
  • Students will be well supported with staff with appropriate equipment.
  • There will always be adequate staff to support your child on the excursion.
  • At least one adult present on the activity will have a current Applied First Aid Certificate where the nature of the excursion requires it in accordance with the risk management plan.
  • An appropriately resourced first aid kit will be available.
  • For students with special medical conditions their medications will be carried by the teacher in charge and administered as prescribed.
  • If a child on an excursion is susceptible to an anaphylactic reaction, one adult present must be capable of administering an ‘EpiPen’.

For you

  • Your child’s classroom teacher may arrange minor excursions throughout the year that are part of your child’s education, such as visits to museums and parks.
  • Rather than have you sign a permission form for every excursion, we ask that you complete one form to cover minor excursions during the school year.
  • A separate permission form will be sent home for major off campus activities and excursions to ensure the Department’s duty of care requirements are met. Major excursions include overnight activities, such as art and music camps, interstate and international excursions, or daytime activities with an element of risk involved. You may be asked to sign a permission form for more than one major excursion.
  • All off campus activities must have the approval of the principal.
  • All interstate and international excursions must have respective approval of the General Manager/ Secretary of the Department for Education, Children and Young People.
  • You will be given as much notice and information as possible about off campus activities so you can make an informed decision about whether your child can attend.
  • If you do not want your child to attend an excursion, an alternative education programme will be offered for your child at school.  Talk to your child’s teacher if this is the case.

What more do you need to know about excursions?

  • Notice of excursions will be provided in a variety of ways e.g. school newsletter, school Facebook.
  • Adults, including parents, carers and volunteers who go with students on excursions will have Working with Vulnerable People checks where required in accordance with Departmental policy.
  • Schools must comply with the Department’s Procedures for Planning Off Campus Activities.

Where can I get more information?

Talk to your child’s teacher or principal.