Education and Training after Year 10

After Year 10, there are many education and training choices open to Tasmania’s young people.

In preparation for students’ education and training after Year 10, we have developed some tips and resources to assist parents:

  • By staying engaged in education and training, young people will have greater opportunities in learning, life and work.
  • Whatever a young person wants to do in life, there is a pathway to take them there. It all starts with education.
  • There is more than one way for young people to get where they want to be – but dropping out of education and training isn’t one of them.
  • The Education Act requires young people to stay in education and training until they finish Year 12, turn 18 or achieve a Certificate III. These conditions apply unless they have an exemption.

What are the education and training options for young people after Year 10?

  • A young person can choose any of the following education and training options, or a combination of these options if the provider/s allow:
    • Years 11 and 12 at any government or non-government school or college, or a tertiary provider. This may include an Australian School-based Apprenticeship.
    • a Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification through any registered training organisation
    • an apprenticeship or traineeship with an employer.
  • Unless otherwise approved, young people will need to participate full time in education and training. They should attend the scheduled school/training hours and following the provider’s attendance policy for any absences.
  • Young people can talk to their school or education provider about combining education and training options. They can also request approval for part-time education and training.

When can a young person leave education and training?

  • A young person can stop participating in education and training once they meet one of these leaving requirements:
    • they complete Year 12
    • they complete a Certificate III
    • they turn 18.
  • Before 2020, a young person could leave education and training when they reached 17 years of age.
  • Young people can have an exemption granted if they have full-time employment of at least 35 hours a week. They can get an exemption for other specific individual circumstances.

What happens if a young person changes options or leaves education and training early?

  • Young people who stop participating will receive support to move back into a learning program that is a good fit for them.
  • Education and training providers record and share ongoing participation information.
  • This information includes if a young person has changed their education and training options. This also applies if a person has stopped participating in education and training.
  • If a young person stops attending education and training before they have met one of the above leaving requirements, please talk to their school or training provider about steps to re-engage in learning.

If a young person continues not to participate in any education and training options or reengagement pathway discussions, they may be referred to the Office of the Education Registrar for compulsory conciliation.

Where can I get more information?

Visit the Anything Can Happen website:

  • Real stories on Tasmanian education pathways.
  • Detailed information about the options available after Year 10.

See the parent fact sheet on Year 10 Transition Statements:

  • Information about how schools help students plan for the transition to education and training after Year 10.

See the parent fact sheet on Work and Tasmanian Government Schools – Senior Secondary Age Students:

  • Information about employment and work opportunities.