Supporting students with disability in Tasmanian Government Schools

Did you know?

Students with disability are encouraged and supported to attend their local government school.

Schools can assist students with a range of specialist services and resources.

Where to start

Speak with your child’s teacher or principal if you are worried about your child’s learning or development.

For your child…

  • An individual Learning Plan will be developed, with your help, to identify goals for learning.
  • Educational adjustments will be made to the teaching and learning program to help your child participate.
  • Specialist staff, equipment or technology may be used.

Tips for supporting your child

  • Talk with your child’s teacher regularly.
  • Share the achievements of your child’s goals and learning experiences with school staff.
  • Be a part of the discussions and planning for your child’s learning in partnership with their teacher.
  • At times of transition (changing year levels or schools) work with the school staff to help your child.

Where can I get more information:

Further information is available at Supporting Student Need.

Contact Disability Services by emailing