Aboriginal Education Services

Support for Aboriginal students in Tasmanian Government schools.

Did you know?

The Department works in partnership with community and families to support Aboriginal students.

What is provided?

Aboriginal students receive:

  • an inclusive approach to teaching and learning that values their community and culture
  • support through targeted programs and through Aboriginal workers attached to some schools
  • access to specific Aboriginal career pathway programs and opportunities
  • a curriculum inclusive of Tasmanian Aboriginal histories and cultures.

For your child

All Aboriginal students will have a Learning Plan. This plan will:

  • be developed in partnership with you, your child, and their teacher(s)
  • assist the school in understanding how to build on community and cultural connections
  • identify specific goals for learning.

For you

You are welcome to assist with a range of activities including:

  • excursions and in-class support
  • sharing your stories and background
  • involvement in parent organisations
  • joining the Aboriginal Sharers of Knowledge (ASK) Program.

Be involved in your child’s school

  • Make yourself known to the principal and teachers.
  • Ask about forums for Aboriginal parents and community.

If your school or Child and Family Learning Centre employs an Aboriginal education field worker then talk to them:

  • Aboriginal Early Yearly Liaison Officers – Early Years
  • Aboriginal Education Workers – Primary and Secondary
  • Aboriginal Education Officers – Primary and Secondary

Early Learning

Schools and Child and Family Learning Centres offer early years programs. This supports families and young children’s learning and transition into school.

These include birth to 5 initiatives, Launching into Learning and pre-Kinder sessions. Parents and children attend these together.

Where can I get more information?

Contact your child’s teacher or principal for more information.