How can I access my child’s personal information?

The Child Safety Service holds private and confidential information about children.  By law, this information can only be shared with other people, including parents and care givers, in particular circumstances. These restrictions are in place to protect children so they know they can trust the professionals they talk to.

You can request access to your child’s private information through the Child Safety Service. All requests for information will be assessed on a case by case basis, taking into account the law, the information being requested, the reason(s) the information is being requested, the age and maturity of the child and who is requesting the information. Most importantly, Child Safety Service consider what is in the child’s best interests.

The law (also known as the Personal Information Protection Act 2004) allows the Child Safety Service to give information to parents and care givers about a child if:

  • the child is unable to physically or legally give consent (i.e. too young to understand the meaning of consent), and
  • if the information is necessary to provide appropriate care and treatment to the child, or
  • for compassionate reasons

The Child Safety Service can also give information to parents and care givers if:

  • the child has the maturity and can physically consent to this, and
  • releasing the information is in the child’s best interest.

For example, the parent or carer of a child could be given information held by the Child Safety Service regarding medical advice for managing a child’s health condition as this is in the child’s best interest.

To make a request to access or for further information regarding accessing your child’s personal information please contact:

Children and Youth Services Client Information
GPO Box 125
Hobart Tasmania 7001

Phone: 1300 737 639