Teach, Learn, Live Podcast: Leesa Pettit

Podcast illustration featuring Tim Bullard and Leesa Pettit from Jordan River Learning Federation Senior School

Tim Bullard: [00:00:02] Welcome to the Teach Learn Live podcast, I’m your host, Tim Bullard, Secretary of the Department for Education, Children and Young People in Tasmania.

Tim Bullard: [00:00:10] Through this podcast, we’re going to shed some light on how we are connecting students and young people to succeed every day in our classrooms. We’ve got teachers working hard to inspire our learners. And I see great school leaders making a real difference in many people’s lives. Join me as we get to know more great teachers, curious learners and inspiring families and communities who teach, learn and live in Tasmania.

Tim Bullard: [00:00:42] Before we start our conversation today, I would like to acknowledge the Tasmanian Aboriginal people who have been caring for and educating their children and young people here on this island for tens of thousands of years. I pay my respects to elders past and present and to all the Aboriginal community members who work in our child and family centres, our schools, our libraries and our business units. And I acknowledge our Aboriginal learners right across the state who will be the strong community members and leaders of tomorrow.

Tim Bullard: [00:01:14] Today’s guest is Lisa Pettit. Lisa is an Assistant Principal at Jordan River Learning Federation Senior School, a grade seven to 12 school in Tasmania’s south, with 26 years experience. Lisa has held a number of key roles in public education. After completing a Bachelor of Health and Physical Education, Lisa started her career at what was then Bridgewater High, and has since taught at a number of high schools across Tasmania’s south. Lisa has, in her own words now come a full circle. Returning back to Jordan River Learning Federation, Lisa’s key focus at Jordan River is embedding wellbeing practices and positive learning environments right across the school. Welcome, Lisa.

Lisa Pettit: [00:01:55] Thank you. Thank you for inviting me.

Tim Bullard: [00:01:57] Just for a start, you’re part of the Jordan River Learning Federation in the senior school. Do you want to tell me a bit about the school?

Lisa Pettit: [00:02:03] Jordan River Learning Federation, Senior School is actually a year seven to 12 campus. We have around three hundred and thirty one students and we draw from the Brighton municipality and the local areas. And we’re hoping to build that capacity currently and build up our attendance. And our goal actually is to be the highest performing school in five years time in the state. We have some not such great statistics at the moment around attendance, engagement, but we’re working really hard to improve that. And hopefully some of the stuff I’ll talk to you about today will highlight that.

Tim Bullard: [00:02:39] So one thing that I’ve been really impressed with and I did come out and visit recently was the innovative approach that you’re taking to try and engage more of your learners every day. What’s your underpinning philosophy in that regard?

Lisa Pettit: [00:02:55] It’s aspirational culture and it’s opening up pathways. And it’s really about young people. Giving them and teaching them and unpacking explicit skills and behaviours that they need to function in this world. We don’t know what jobs or what’s going to be out there, but we certainly know that key skills like taking risks, collaboration, creative thinking, exploring different options, trying new things are all key skills that no matter whether we are 100 years down the track or ten years down the track, they’re universal. So we are really trying through in particular through our 9/10 program, which you would have come out and visited. We offer a couple of courses called Packages of Learning. This year, we’ve offered construction and engineering, and foods and fibre agriculture. Our enrolments are looking like most of our 9/10s have opted into one of those packages and moving away from the more mainstream and traditional. Now, in those packages, the students still do the English, History, their STEM, their science, maths, engineering. But it’s put more into an authentic context. We’re currently working through the Trade Training Centre, which is just handily up the road to build a coffee van. So they’re actually using those mathematical skills around measurement, angles, all those things, and actually apply it to a real context.

Tim Bullard: [00:04:28] I think that’s what really impressed me. I think one of the things that we sometimes see in teenagers and high school students is that sort of question about, well, why am I doing this? And it struck me with the maths, for example, that the students went to the classroom. They planned the angles to design the van, and they were then told, you’re going to go back to the workshop and cut those. So if they’re not right, the whole van’s not going to fit together. And you could see it dawn on the students faces, as they were telling me this. Oh, that’s why you do maths. And it’s about applying maths to real life situations. So a really tangible way to engage students in something that shows them the way that it’s going to operate in the real world straight away.

Lisa Pettit: [00:05:10] Absolutely. And what we’re really, really chuffed about is that the cohort of students, in particular, in our construction packages of learning, they would have been one of our more difficult cohorts to deal with traditionally. And the stats show that their suspension rates were almost non-existent, and their attendance rates have shot through the roof. So, we can see first-hand through data that these packages work. They’re not cheap and we have to allocate money and think and prioritise. But the benefit and the outcome is really showing through our data with these students.

Tim Bullard: [00:06:10] And what I saw when I came out was a group of students who were proud of the work that they were doing. And they were really keen to communicate their learning to me. And I just think, you know, that’s such a credit to the work that’s going on. So aspiration, a big goal. I mean, obviously one of our values and great to hear that coming through. But what we really wanted to talk about today was some interesting concepts around our value of growth. And so what I saw when I came out was a really interesting approach that you’re personally implementing across the school to grow that growth mindset. Do you want to talk a bit about, first of all, the disposition of students that you see in your cohort and then what you’re doing to build that idea of courage and growth and taking risks and learning?

Lisa Pettit: [00:07:00] My background is health and wellbeing or HPE teacher. I like to call it health and wellbeing, so I think that’s more encompassing. So my passion is wellbeing. Like we’re all teachers of literacy and numeracy I really passionately believe that we’re all teachers of wellbeing because you can’t learn without wellbeing and you can’t have wellbeing without learning. So they intrinsically go hand in hand. And they have to be explicitly unpacked and taught to young people. It’s not inherent that you can work collaboratively or step outside your comfort zones. It’s a skill. It’s an attitude and a skill and like all attitudes and skills they can be taught and developed.

This is a program I’ve been working on for about 15 years. First introduced it to Rosetta, which then amalgamated into Montrose. Then I was transferred to Ogilvie, where for four years where we set that set up at Ogilvie, it’s still running there. And then I was lucky enough to be promoted as Assistant Principal to Jordan River. Which is awesome, because I can now rather than just an operational level and get this wellbeing message across, but a systemic level. So what we believe and what I believe and what the program is based on, there are five ways of being healthy. And our goal is to teach young people the skills, strategies, tools and dispositions in each of those elements so that then you can be considered healthy. Health, as I say, you can’t live without it. So we all need to have some skills and strategies around maintaining and living our health.

Lisa Pettit: [00:08:37] Our program is based on neurological science, positive psychology. So the perma model. Really fuelled by formative feedback consistently and constantly, and also collaboration in the whole collaboration process around collecting data and seeing if it’s working is the foundation for this program. We teach students explicitly. There’s five ways of being healthy and each student will know what those five are.

Lisa Pettit: [00:09:05] So mental health, we teach young people is the ability to think, ask questions and be curious as well as look after the mind. Emotional health, ability to recognise and manage my emotions and those of others. Social health, the ability to get along, collaborate and work with others. Spiritual health, which is your ability to find your passions and interests and develop a flow. But it’s also developing a sense of fun humour. And that’s a really important part of spiritual health. It’s about finding something you’re passionate about and believe in and finding comfort in that and pursuing it. And then finally, physical health, which is my ability to look after and care for my body. And we always leave the physical last, because unless you’ve got those other four in place, your physical health will deteriorate.

Lisa Pettit: [00:09:53] These, as I said, these skills have to be explicitly taught to young people. So we develop units that are not that traditional. So an example of unit, which I was talking about when you came out to visit Tim, was our ‘Who grows wins’. The real emphasis is on stepping outside comfort zones, one of the biggest obstacles for our young people, and not just at Jordan River, young people in general. Is stepping out of comfort zones. Unfortunately, if you don’t step outside your comfort zone, you know, it makes learning really difficult and trying new things really difficult, which means following the our Departmental values is really difficult because virtually they’re all about stepping outside our comfort zones.

So all students at Jordan River will learn that comfort zones are not a bad thing. Comfort zones are actually a good thing. What makes a comfort zone a bad thing is if it doesn’t grow, because in our comfort zones are things we love and things we comfortable with, things we feel safe with, and we need a place like that to exist.

Lisa Pettit: [00:11:13] But we also need to step outside them to add things into that comfort zone. The problem with stepping outside comfort zones and every young person at Jordan River learns this is we step into a fear zone. Every single person in this world, when they’re trying something new, will step into that fear zone. And that’s that’s just a given. The problem is if you stay in that fear zone that you jump straight back into your comfort zone and you never want to step out again. So we teach young people that strategies which we call bridges to get across that fear zone. Because when we get across the fear zone, we go into another zone, which is called the learning zone. And the learning zone is where you should make mistakes. You play with the thing that you’re learning. It’s where you learn the basics around a new skill. So if it’s riding a bike, for example, when you’re supposed to not get it straight away, you’re supposed to not be able to bunny hop and do amazing things. You’re supposed to fall off. And that’s okay, because that’s part of learning. But you’re gaining your basics and fundamentals and it will take time, and you’re allowed to take time.

Lisa Pettit: [00:12:19] Once we do sit comfortably in that zone and start to develop those basics and foundations, we move into what’s called the growth zone. And the growth zone is where you start to value add to what you can do. You start to get better at it. So let’s add more skill. So instead of just riding a bike, you can start to do wheelies and all sorts of amazing tricks. When you get into your growth zone, that’s when that thing that you’re learning goes back into your comfort zone and it gets added to it. So every kid at Jordan River knows that. And they also know the key thing is as soon as they head goes, I don’t want to do that. I’m not doing that. We say, celebrate because, you know, you’re stepping outside your comfort zone now find a strategy. So we’ve taught them so far several bridges. One of the bridges is what’s called gateways. So gateways are words and actions that allow people to feel safe, supported, have fun and therefore learn. So in the HPE context, it’s in a game saying something nice, high-fiving someone, really simple things that make people feel safe, supported and have fun. So even if I am the shiest this person in the world, I can give a little thumbs up or a smile. So there’s something in our games are scored around, we get umpires on the side who listen for gateways and they will give us that’s the goal.

Tim Bullard: [00:13:40] So that’s a bit of a change isn’t it really because it’s moving away from that sort of mastery gets a reward, to showing a growth mindset gets a reward. In terms of responses, it’s moving away from celebrating an ultimate achievement to celebrating where you’re identifying that growth is occurring. And is that been hard in a cohort that you either win or you lose, you make it or you don’t? You know, that sort of shift?

Lisa Pettit: [00:14:11] To be honest, it wasn’t as hard as what I actually thought it was. At first the students are a little shy naturally, because once again, I’m asking to step outside the comfort zone and say something nice or do something nice for someone. And that can be actually even confronting, especially if you’re anxious or shy. And often at first, some of the smart ones catch on and they just in the game going ‘Good job’. Like we’ve got a point, got a point. But eventually that stops. It just starts to happen naturally. And the more it happens, the more engaged. So that constant reinforcing of our five elements through these strategies.

Tim Bullard: [00:15:10] It also seems to me, though, that in that the skill development can only occur with the preconditions set. So if you have cohorts of learners who aren’t prepared to step outside the comfort zone and get to a growth zone, it doesn’t matter how much you talk about skill because the skill won’t ever be mastered because no one will move outside what they can do today and now.

Lisa Pettit: [00:15:34] Absolutely. And it’s about getting away from that. I can kick a football, but I don’t have to be a football player and I don’t have to be the best. It’s the fact that I’m prepared to try and kick a football and I might just kick it with Uncle Johnny on Grand Final Day once a year. But the fact is, I’m prepared to try and do it if I do want to become a great school football player. Yeah. So that’s one of the strategies. So they’ve all learned that they’ve all got that language and I love it when they quote it back to me when I go Pettit, use your gateways and then I go, yeah, it’s part of the culture now they’re starting to quote it back at me and give it back to me. So that’s awesome.

The second bridge that we’ve taught them is which around the positive psychology work and we’ve looked at the key signature strengths. So every student at Jordan River knows their top five key signature strengths. And we’ve unpacked how can you use those strengths when you’re facing a fear or facing a challenge? How can you do it? So they’ve also they’re currently learning around that growth mindset and neurons and how you learn and connections are made and why mistakes are important.

Lisa Pettit: [00:16:45] So that’s the other bridge. We’ve developed it. We call it ‘dipping a toe in the water’ technique. The two sports and recreation activities I introduced for teaching step outside the comfort zones. One was archery, which our students had never been exposed to before, and the other one is ultimate Frisbee A lot of our students, when it came to archery, especially the girls, not not not not doing or not doing it. So what we do is, okay, just hold the bow. That’s all we have to do today. Just hold the bow so they’ll hold the bow and then give it back. Next lesson is just hold the bow and the arrow. Once they hold the bow and the arrow, their suddenly starting to work out how to do it. So it’s just so we say to them ‘when you’re learning something new, you don’t have to do it perfectly straight away. You just have to try a little bit. Its little steps to achieve a goal is not jumping from one point to it’s a series of little steps slowly get you there.

Lisa Pettit: [00:17:52] So that’s dipping the toe in the water technique there also. And we’re constantly working on this and young people need to learn to do this more and so do adults. It’s laugh at yourself and with others. If you can develop a sense of fun and humour, everything becomes easier and mistakes become easier. Challenges become easier, relationships become easier, life becomes easier. So there the bridges that we’re currently teaching our young people in that that unit and at the same time, they’re learning some skills around archery and an ultimate Frisbee and running around getting fit and all those things that ACARA wants us to do is happening on as a by-product. But more importantly, what’s happening is the our students are learning skills that you can take out of context of HPE and use anywhere. And we’re also taking our staff through this as well. So they’re developing this learning language as well. So when it comes to a mathematical problem or they that the staff start to use this language as well.

Tim Bullard: [00:18:54] So that was going to be my next question about obviously done within an HPE context and a great place to be practising this. Obviously, there’s the health aspect anyway, which you can tag it on to. But really, you’re doing this to change the disposition of students in all learning areas. Right. And so is that coming through yet?

Lisa Pettit: [00:19:16] I’ve only been at Jordan River for twelve months and this year, is the first time I’ve taken the HPE. I came about halfway through last year and I didn’t take any HPE at all, but I noticed I thought, wow, I need to jump back into HPE because and train my young HPE staff how to do this so that every kid gets the same message. So that’s flowing through the school. Once staff can see some success and some momentum with the HPE staff, they start asking. And so now I can introduce as an AP systemically through the school with the language through our PL through my role. Because my role is wellbeing and positive learning environments. So it now allows me to take this knowledge around HPE and translate it into a whole school context. And I’ve got exemplars and staff who have seen the success who can talk about that and should use their examples and generate that momentum for the rest of the staff. As I said, we’re all teachers of wellbeing, literacy, numeracy, and if students can’t take these risks or work with one another, all the amazing lesson plans in the world and learning in the world will just fall flat.

Tim Bullard: [00:20:24] One of the things that’s come through to me is the importance of shared language. So having, you know, calling a spade a spade, basically from students right through to classroom staff and senior staff, is that a priority in your context with rolling this out?

Lisa Pettit: [00:20:40] Yes, it is a priority and I’ve kind of tried to do it without overwhelming staff as well. It’s just slowly by in our PL session and using our examples and the kids actually saying so some of the language slowly introduced it to the staff. What I think I’m trying to say is a lot of people want to get right to the action and create the change. Especially teachers, as we rush around all day long. And we really results-centred. Around, I want to do this to get the kids so they can learn, so they can improve and we rush everything. And then we wonder why this isn’t working. We get so frustrated. One of the hardest things I’ve had to do for myself, and this has been a learning journey for me and with the staff at Jordan River, is to make us slow right down. This is a five-year process. Give ourselves a break. We’ve got to actually learn the language and use it before we actually even teach the kids.

Tim Bullard: [00:21:44] I think your reflections are really great reflections. Two things that strike me is that wellbeing as a priority hasn’t been in the department as a whole department priority for that long. It’s, you know, 2018, I think our Child and Student Wellbeing Strategy was released. And so it is early days in terms of really putting front and centre wellbeing and learning together as the key priorities that are going to achieve engagement. The other, I think, is so sound. It’s around implementing with integrity. And, you know, we know that education’s an archaeological dig of jumping from one thing to another thing to another thing and thinking, well, I wonder why that didn’t work. And that it’s because we haven’t given ourselves the time to do it and do it well and embed it within the culture of the school and the system.

Lisa Pettit: [00:22:36] Absolutely. And as I say, I mean, it’s when the adults change that the kids change. But we’ve got to allow adults and support them in that change and allow them, just like my staff or our staff at Jordan River are experiencing what the kids are. I’m asking them to step into their fear zone. And I’ve got to give them the strategies to do that and allow them in their learning zone to make a million mistakes and support them. And they will. And I want them to, because that’s the only way that the brain grows and learns is by making mistakes. The fact is that they’re prepared to make mistakes is a powerful thing. And that’s when you get a staff that’s becoming aspirational and collaborative and consistent. And role-modelling and being vulnerable in front of young people to is a really powerful thing. And saying, I’m trying this for the first time. This is new to me, too. I’m still learning. Those messages are more powerful than the message that I can give about this is how you hand-pass a football. These are lifelong learning messages and it’s hard to measure the impact

Tim Bullard: [00:23:46] Yes, it’s about, as you say, building skills and capabilities, not necessarily just knowledge transfer. And, you know, that’s a shift, isn’t it, really in education as well. I just have to reflect back on staff with a growth mindset. I think that’s a real shift that I saw during covid was a willingness of staff to say, I don’t know the answer. I don’t know how to do it yet. I don’t understand how to log in to Canvas yet. But I will do that. And I think we’re in a really good place in admitting that we don’t actually need to know everything, that we need to move into a mindset of growth and learn together.

Lisa Pettit: [00:24:22] Absolutely. And I’ve said to the staff of this year, let’s just play with it. Let’s explore it. It’s been a tough year and we’ve learnt a lot and we’ve grown a lot. Now, let’s just be kind to ourselves and just start to play with these concepts and just try one thing. Try one thing so it becomes part of your practice. One of the things that we I introduced at Jordan River in Health and Wellbeing was team teaching. So I want to pass the capacity on to my staff by role-modelling what I was doing. But the beauty of that is, is inbuilt reflection happening at the end of the lesson, you go, jeez, that didn’t work so well.

Lisa Pettit: [00:25:24] What did we do wrong? What could we do better? So, you naturally start having those conversations all the time. So, you get sort of in the observation happening. And we’re looking at moving towards more team-teaching order. Which during covid we moved to and the staff, the students really loved it. It just opened up so much more flexibility around some interventive work or extension work or, you know, so it just allowed learning to just flow more naturally. And I remember a really shy girl, hardly said boo, we were talking during covid. She said, you know what, Miss Petitt? I think the teachers know me better now and I feel better about that.

Lisa Pettit: [00:26:05] We kind of at school, we slowed down to stop and smell the roses and really be with the kids that were there. And it was really, really refreshing and lovely to be a part of. So whilst COVID was horrible for a lot of people. And it was actually also there were some positives out of it.

Tim Bullard: [00:26:34] So through next year, what are you going to hope to see in terms of what staff are doing and what students are doing? Because it sounds like you’ve really been in the engaging phase of this, getting people on board, understanding the language, understanding the approach. But I imagine next year you’re going to want to start to align practice.

Lisa Pettit: [00:26:53] Yeah. So what we’ve done is at the same time, we’ve had a really close look at our values. So when I first went to Jordan River, we didn’t have the department values. We had our own, as most schools did at one stage, come through their own values. And ours had a lovely little acronym.

Lisa Pettit: [00:27:10] So it was Connect, Aspire, Excel. Care. We care. You get the education to serve and we oh, this is lovely. This is a lovely slogan. And we threw it around to the kids and like whatever sort of thing. And then we went, we got these values and our behaviour, our positive behaviour stuff is tied to them, but they’re not working. Then we suddenly went, let’s just adopt the department ones because they’re actually pretty good. So we went through a little bit of a process of unpacking those values so that they now underpin all our positive behaviour support. So with staff initially, then student voice and that’s including, you know, office staff, the cleaning staff, TAs. We said, what does courage, respect, aspire and growth mean to you? But we unpacked it with what is it sound like? Was it mean? Was it sound like look like, feel like and why do we have it? So we got a lot of voice around that. And we came up with the basis for our positive behaviour support, which we call non-negotiables or our expectations around our values. And we don’t have rules because we don’t say they are our rules, because rules are to be broken, expectations are to be lived up to. So we quote that at kids all the time. So in all our classroom now, this underpins our expectations around successful learning and learning language, which supports the learning language that our staff using gateways and things.

Lisa Pettit: [00:28:53] We’ve got some key phrases. So for courage, we’ve got ‘the right choice, not the easy choice’. So I don’t have to go get to class on time. I just have to say something like, can you have the courage to make the right choice, not the easy choice. Now the kid knows if it’s ten minutes into the lesson, I’m referring – get to class. But instead of having that confrontation with them, it’s the courage to make the right choice, not the easy choice.

Tim Bullard: [00:29:26] Also, empower yourself to make that choice, not because I’m telling you to do that.

Lisa Pettit: [00:29:30] Now, our students are just learning this as well. So this is a this is our five-year journey and staff are too. Until I get the staff really using it all the time. They’re just posters on the wall. Our real goal, when you ask me about that, getting the systems in place next year, is really unpacking, explicitly teaching these, and allowing staff to learn and get comfortable with them. And then giving them ways to explicitly unpack and teach them to our students and then feel comfortable using them every day in everyday language.

Tim Bullard: [00:30:02] Which absolutely intersects with the whole of department aspiration that those values guide every decision and guide our behaviour of every staff member and every student every day.

Lisa Pettit: [00:30:12] Absolutely. And that’s what we realised in the end, why some of our positive behaviours stuff wasn’t as successful, because we hadn’t been really clear on what our values were. We hadn’t tied it, and we hadn’t actually taught kids or allowed our staff time to absorb it and go, what does this really mean? And how can this actually positively impact upon students learning and aspiration? Because it’s all tied back to, we’ve got a slogan ‘reset back to learning’. That’s our goal. If a student is off learning, it’s not punitive thing. It’s about resetting back. And we’ve got the six Rs of reset back to learning. So our staff have made a commitment to our students and our community that we’re going to try at least three strategies around these six Rs before we might offer a chill-in which is sitting in the classroom with quiet space because you or chill-out, which we allow kids to have 10 minutes out with another teacher to refocus before we actually then move to a relocation and restorative. Or the final step is senior staff. But we figure by the time staff try three strategies, use a chill-in and chill out, there’s not much of a lesson left. So a student hopefully, will be far more successful.

Lisa Pettit: [00:31:17] So what were finding was our students were coming into class, escalating quickly, just getting relocated. And they were doing it deliberately to get relocated. So we’re now slowing them down, going, hang on kids, where, you’re not getting relocated yet. We’re going to try and we going to learn together. And in the end, what we’re hoping is, once the staff start using and we’re actually going through a process now, where our PL is about what do these six Rs mean? What what are some strategies around that? What can I use and what’s comfortable for me, the language for me to use around that. So it’s going to work and just getting some data on whether it’s successful or not. Well, that one didn’t work or try this one.

Tim Bullard: [00:31:53] And your reflection around relocation and an aspiring to a relocation absolutely fits with that fear of coming out of the comfort zone, doesn’t it? So if you feel like you’re going to be challenged and that’s very scary and you don’t have a strategy to move out of your comfort zone, maybe you just want to remove yourself from the situation altogether.

Lisa Pettit: [00:32:10] It’s not just Jordan River young people. It’s a lot of young people now. It’s that fear. And I guess if we do want to get back to my health and wellbeing roots, I think not allowing kids to climb the trees as kids, you know, fall off before to do all those risks and learn and get that environmental feedback. If you touch a hot plate, oooh I won’t do that again. We’ve kind of not allowed them to step outside their comfort zones a lot, so they actually don’t know how to. So that’s why we actually, we have an obligation now to explicitly teach it as educators. Because it’s not necessarily happening in this world at the moment.

Tim Bullard: [00:32:44] And it doesn’t that intersect so nicely with our refocussing teaching and learning in the early years where we are actually working from Kinder to year 2 around play-based learning, taking risks, getting out into the environment, playing in the mud. That’s that focus, recognising that we aren’t necessarily building resilience and a risk appetite for children by having them all sitting in classrooms being taught.

Lisa Pettit: [00:33:09] Yeah, absolutely. And as I said, this is our first year. It’s about getting our staff to start talking about it first and using it. And so there six is a remind, refocus, reteach, replace, reflect and redirect, relocate and restore. And then you get back to your Green Zone, your learning zone. So that the teacher can choose a strategy out of any of those. And eventually we will as we said, I want students to once they get used to the language, you start to go, hey, Pettit, I need to do this refocus strategy. I need to do this. That’s a dream. That won’t you know, but that’s our goal. That’s our aim. And that’s even if I got 10 percent of my students doing that, then I would be really, really chuffed with that.

Tim Bullard: [00:34:25] Well, Lisa, I just want to thank you for coming and speaking with me today. I was very taken by your approach and your language when I came to Jordan River. And I have to say, I’ve used some of your strategies recently when I was required to move well outside my comfort zone. And I thought Lisa would say this is a learning opportunity, not a fear opportunity. So I also want you to know that you’ve shifted my thinking. So thank you so much.

Lisa Pettit: [00:34:49] It’s a pleasure. Thank you for letting me talk today, because as I said to you earlier, I’ve been known to clear rooms talking about, wellbeing because I’m very passionate about it. So I really appreciate the opportunity.

[00:35:07] I hope that you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast. To hear more about those people who teach, learn and live in Tasmania join us at www.decyp.tas.gov.au/podcast or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Why not subscribe so that you can keep up to date with what we’re doing? Or if you have a story about an inspiring teacher or student. Email us at teachlearnlive@decyp.tas.gov.au.