Years 9 to 12 Project

The Years 9 to 12 Project was established as a result of the 2016 Review of Years 9 to 12 Tasmania, conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER).

The Review outlined opportunities and recommendations to improve attendance, retention and attainment outcome for students in Tasmania.

The Project is a joint initiative of:


The purpose of the Years 9 to 12 Project is to enable all students to achieve their potential through Years 9 to 12 and beyond in further study, training and employment.

The project aims to achieve this by making education in Tasmania more meaningful and engaging to Year 9 to 12 students and thereby improving the:

  • numbers of students staying in school through to Year 12 and/or further training and education
  • attendance rates of students at school and/or further training and education
  • achievement of students in the career pathway they choose.

Education Framework 2018-2022

The Years 9 to 12 Education Framework was developed to inform the work of the Years 9 to 12 Project. In particular, the framework aims to improve access, participation, retention, attainment and completion of schooling for Tasmanian students.

Curriculum Framework

The Years 9 to 12 Curriculum Framework has been developed in consultation with stakeholders over a 12-month period. This will serve as a basis for developing learning opportunities for Tasmanian students into the future.

View the Years 9 to 12 Curriculum Framework (PDF, 2MB)


The reports, released in October 2019, of the Community Consultation Survey and draft Curriculum Framework Consultation Survey. Over 95 responses were received from teachers, parents, the VET sector, assistant principals, the university sector and a student. The surveys opened from December 2018 to February 2019.

Vision for Vocational Learning and VET to 2030

The Years 9 to 12 Project developed A Vision for Vocational Learning and VET in Tasmanian Schools to 2030. The project consulted with  stakeholders to develop this vision

The Review of Years 9 to 12 Tasmania (ACER) delivered a recommendation to “improve the status of VET and VEL in schools through community involvement in the development of a future vision and associated implementation strategy”.

Eight community VET and Vocational Learning forums were held in Tasmanian centres in October/November 2018. Cathcart and Storey facilitated those forums.

From this, Cathcart and Storey prepared a report that captured key ideas, themes, concerns and discussion points. These also include eight actionable items that provide a direction for the development of a Vision for VET/VL to 2030. For more information: A Vision for Vocational Learning and VET to 2030.