Strong Partnerships

Children and families, education and care, Department for Education, Children and Young People.

The Department for Education, Children and Young People (DoE) and Education and Care (E&C) community work in partnership. We work together to help ensure best outcomes for Tasmania’s children and families.

Children and families are at the heart of our work. The Strong Partnerships Framework shows how DoE and the E&C community work together. The Framework provides tools and resources, across seven domains. It supports both services, whether co-located or not, to work in stronger partnerships.

Through our partnership we contribute to the shared vision for Tasmanian children.

Tasmania’s Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy It takes a Tasmanian Village 2021 (PDF, 11MB)

This website will support DoE and E&C services to build and maintain Strong Partnerships. The website will be a dynamic resource, undergoing ongoing review and development.