
We want to provide information for everyone.

We are working towards making all our websites and web content to comply with Level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2 (external website).

Help with accessibility

If you find that part of this website does not meet your accessibility needs, please email us  We will try to fix the problem, and give you any information you need in an alternative format.

Browsers and devices

The website works with modern web browsers, text-only browsers’ mode, screen readers and mobile devices like tablets or smartphones.

Simplify page

Simplify page in Firefox and Edge strips away clutter like buttons, ads, and background images.

Select the Toggle reader view (Firefox) or Enter Immersive Reader (Edge) button or simply press F9.

Text resizing

Text can be re-sized or zoomed within the tools or preferences of most standard web browsers, or you can increase and decrease the size using the following key shortcuts:

To make text larger:

  • Windows: Control (Ctrl) and plus ( + )
  • Mac: Command and plus ( + )

To make text smaller:

  • Windows: Control (Ctrl) and minus ( – )
  • Mac: Command and minus ( – )

On mobile devices such as the iPhone or iPad (external website) you can increase font size via the accessibility options.

My computer my way

You can find more information about the tools to make your computer or device easier to use on the AbilityNet website (external link).


You can translate this website into other languages. Use the ‘Select Language’ dropdown menu at the top of the page (for desktop computers), or in the menu (for mobile devices) to change language. The language you select will apply to all pages in the site. These translations are provided by Google Translate.

For other language translations use Google Translate to paste a page’s URL address and pick another language to translate to. You can also paste text in to Google’s translation page, if just translating a specific portion of text. For some languages, this tool offers a reading service as well.


Please note that we are using a free tool to translate into other languages. This tool provides automatic translation and may not be as accurate as translation provided by a human.

Help with translation

If families or students need help to translate or interpret information at this time, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) by phoning 131 450.


This site contains a number of reference materials available for download. To assist you to download and print content, most documents are available in Adobe PDF (PDF) or Microsoft Word (Word) format.

By default PDF documents will open within the internet browser. If you wish to download PDF and print it or view off-line you need a special software on your computer or your device. Most computers already have the software to open these document formats. However, if your computer does not, you can:

Printing a webpage

You can print pages from our website by selecting the ‘Print this page’ link (printer icon) at the top of the content section.