School Resourcing data

Annual data on school funding, the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) and computers for students across Tasmanian Government schools.

School funding and enrolments

Total School Resource Package (SRP) funding for 2023

$235.0 M

Total SRP funding does not include Early Childhood Intervention Centres.

School Resource Package Allocations

Figures on funding allocations and for Tasmanian Government schools and support schools for 2023 can be found in the Excel files below.

School Resource Allocations should be read in conjunction with student enrolments and measures of student need.

Student Assistance Scheme (STAS)

The table below show annual data for the number of students receiving Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) assistance across education sectors.

STAS provides assistance to low-income families towards the cost of levies for students enrolled from Kindergarten through to Year 12. The provision of assistance within non-government schools is consistent with procedures determined by Independent and Catholic Schools

Student Assistance Scheme Data (March 2023)

Number of StudentsPercent

Funding for the State Government Student Assistance Scheme is incorporated into the overall Students First funding pool and distributed to schools as part of needs-based funding arrangements. Data presented is as at 31 March for the current year.

Computers for Students

The table below shows annual data for computers (desktops, laptops and tablets) issued to students.

Computers for Students (March 2023)

Senior Secondary4,4301.6
Total K-1239,7141.5

Ratios show the average number of students per one computer, e.g. 2.4 students per one computer. Data presented is as at 31 March for the current year.

Targeted Support Funding

The Department uses an Educational Adjustments funding model for students with disability. This approach supports inclusive practice in schools and is aligned to the educational adjustments teachers make in classrooms to assist students with disability access, participate and engage in quality learning programs.

Figures on Teaching Staff attributable to students with disability, targeted support services and targeted support funding can be found in the Excel files below.