Services for children, youth and families data

Strong Families Safe Kids (SFSK) Advice and Referral Line, Child Safety Service, Out-of-Home Care, and Youth Justice Services.

We provide a range of services and support that contribute to ensuring children, young people and their families are safe, known and well.

Our services are delivered by a professional workforce committed to working together to keep children, young people and their families at the centre of everything we do.

Contacts to the Strong Families Safe Kids (SFSK) Advice and Referral Line

The table below shows data on number of contacts received by the SFSK Advice and Referral Line by quarter.

Quarter endingContacts
2022 June3,913
2022 September4,510
2022 December4,514
2023 March4,935

This indicator is defined as the number of contacts received by the SFSK Advice and Referral Line about concerns for the safety and/or wellbeing of children during the period.


  • The SFSK Advice and Referral Line was implemented on 3 December 2018.

Contacts to the SFSK Advice and Referral Line which were resolved

The table below shows data on number of contacts resolved by the SFSK Advice and Referral Line by outcome by quarter.

Outcome2022 Jun2022 Sep2022 Dec2023 Mar
Assistance/advice provided by ARL3,5504,1664,6054,208
ARL referral to family support or other services268307333230
ARL referral for child safety assessment8192111112

This indicator is defined as the number of contacts resolved by the SFSK Advice and Referral Line about concerns for the safety and/or wellbeing of children during the period.


  • The SFSK Advice and Referral Line was implemented on 3 December 2018.

Cases referred to the Child Safety Service for assessment

The table below shows data on total number of cases referred to the Child Safety Service for assessment by quarter.

Quarter endingCases
2022 June94
2022 September111
2022 December137
2023 March130

This indicator is defined as the total number of cases referred to the Child Safety service for assessment, including cases referred by the SFSK Advice and Referral Line, during the period.


  • The SFSK Advice and Referral Line was implemented on 3 December 2018.

Average daily cases pending child safety assessment

The table below shows data on daily average cases pending child safety assessment by quarter.

Quarter endingDaily average cases
2022 June31.3
2022 September42.1
2022 December32.3
2023 March32.4

This indicator is defined as the average number cases referred for a child safety assessment which had not been allocated a case worker within priority timeframes on each day during the period.

Cases referred for assessment are assigned a priority for commencing the Child Safety Assessment based on the overall risk level for the child or children.

Priority timeframes for allocation to a case worker are the same day for priority 1 assessments, five days for priority 2 assessments and ten days for priority 3 assessments.

Average daily children in out-of-home care

The table below shows data on daily average children in out-of-home care by quarter.

Quarter endingDaily average children
2022 June1,025.8
2022 September1,017.7
2022 December1,019.7
2023 March1,002.0

This indicator is defined as the average number of children in out-of-home care on each day during the period. Out-of-home care is the system that provides formal care to children and young people who are assessed as unable to live safely at home.

Children restored to families

The table below shows data on number of children restored to families on a rolling 12-month period to the end of quarter.

Year endingChildren (12-month total)
2022 June81
2022 September69
2022 December67
2023 March77

This indicator counts the number of children exiting out-of-home care to parents and remained living with their parents for a period of greater than two months following exit from out-of-home care.

Data are provided for a 12-month rolling total.

Children transferred to third-party guardianship

The table below shows data on number of children transferred to third-party guardianship on a rolling 12-month period to the end of quarter.

Year endingChildren (12-month total)
2022 June35
2022 September33
2022 December28
2023 March30

This indicator is defined as the number of children whose guardianship was transferred to a third-party.

Data are provided for a 12-month rolling total.

Average daily young people in Custodial Youth Justice

The table below shows data on average daily young people in Custodial Youth Justice in Tasmania by quarter.

Quarter endingDaily average young people
2022 June10.1
2022 September11.1
2022 December13.5
2023 March12.8

This indicator is defined as the average number of young people in detention, including sentenced and unsentenced detention, on each day during the period.

Distinct number of young people in Custodial Youth Justice

The table below shows data on distinct young people in Custodial Youth Justice in Tasmania by quarter.

Quarter endingYoung people
2022 June23
2022 September29
2022 December28
2023 March35

This indicator is defined as the distinct number of young people in detention, including sentenced and unsentenced detention, at any time during the period.


  • The distinct number of young people in Custodial Youth Justice counts each young person once, even if they entered and exited detention multiple times during the period.
  • Young people aged 18 and over in Custodial Youth Justice during the year are excluded from this indicator due to small numbers, to maintain consistency with nationally published figures.

Average daily young people in Community Youth Justice

The table below shows data on average daily young people in Community Youth Justice in Tasmania by quarter.

Quarter endingDaily average young people
2022 June157.4
2022 September155.2
2022 December151.9
2023 March152.0

This indicator is defined as the average number of young people in Community Youth Justice on each day during the period.

This includes young people participating in youth justice diversionary programs such as community conferences or performing community service undertakings, those for whom a pre-sentence report or bail-support plan is written, and young people supervised by Community Youth Justice.


  • This indicator differs from nationally published figures due to the inclusion of young people with pre-sentence reports, bail support plans, community conferences or community service undertakings.

Distinct number of young people in Community Youth Justice

The table below shows data on distinct young people in Community Youth Justice in Tasmania by quarter.

Quarter endingYoung people
2022 June214
2022 September223
2022 December204
2023 March194

This indicator is defined as the distinct number of young people in Community Youth Justice during the period. This includes young people participating in youth justice diversionary programs such as community conferences or performing community service undertakings, those for whom a pre-sentence report or bail-support plan is written, and young people supervised by Community Youth Justice.


  • This indicator differs from nationally published figures due to the inclusion of young people with pre-sentence reports, bail support plans, community conferences or community service undertakings.
  • The distinct number of young people in Community Youth Justice counts each young person once, even if they entered and exited multiple times during the period.

More information on these services can be found at the following pages: